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Writer's picturePatrick Bryant, LCSW, NBCCH

What is Clinical Hypnotherapy?

Updated: Mar 23, 2023

"Life is ten percent what you experience and ninety percent how you respond to it." - Dorothy M. Neddermeyer

Clinical hypnotherapy is the application of hypnosis in psychotherapy by a thoroughly trained licensed mental health clinician. It is the avenue through which healing takes place, not the healing itself. In clinical hypnotherapy, you are completely aware of and in control of your actions and experiences. During this heightened state of relaxation, therapeutic interventions are used to help address issues causing you discomfort or pain, which has shown to be more effective than conventional talk therapy alone.

Simply put, hypnosis is a heightened state of relaxation and awareness that allows us to bypass the "critical self"-- that inner-voice that provides skewed or shameful messages, and interfere with seeing things for what they are. This voice can often inhibit us from connecting with our feelings, especially feelings we have buried out of self-preservation. What we find is that these feelings continue to show themselves in our present lives through the subconscious. Imagine your conscious and unconscious to be like an iceberg. Your conscious is what you see on the surface, but the bulk of what is happening is what you don't see. Have you ever noticed feeling anxious or snapping at someone without really knowing why? Perhaps, what you're experiencing, or reacting to, is more than what is obvious on the surface. By tapping into your uncounscious, you are allowing yourself to connect with these feelings, tie them to experiences, and address underlying issues that keep causing you pain in your present life.

At The Peaceful Place, Patrick Bryant, LCSW, NBCCH uses this technique most often as a supplement to individual therapy when clients are experiencing obstacles in therapy, such as trauma or overwhelming anxiety that other approaches may not be adequately addressing on their own. Though hypnotherapy can be great for smoking cessation, motor tics, and general exploration, our emphasis remains primarily on supplementing treatment for psychological trauma and severe anxiety. We are happy to refer you to another provider if your interests in hypnotherapy are outside of what we offer.

Patrick was intensively trained in clinical hypnotherapy and by the Anxiety and Stress Management Institute, is a National Board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, and has received numerous hours of continuing education since becoming certified.

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